Re: urgent matter Inbox
Laurie Abara

to me

2:20 PM View details

Phone call. No details in writing please. I'll phone at 4:35 after your last viewing.

Laurie Abara
600 3rd Ave
23rd Floor
New York NY 10016
tel 212.277.7555
fax 212.277.7550

From: Parker Mackensie
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2020 2:18 PM
To: Laurie Abara
Subject: Re: urgent matter


Sent from my iPhone

From: Laurie Abara
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2020 2:16 PM
To: Parker Mackensie
Subject: Re: urgent matter

What level, 1-10?

Laurie Abara
600 3rd Ave
23rd Floor
New York NY 10016
tel 212.277.7555
fax 212.277.7550

From: Parker Mackensie
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2020 2:10 PM
To: Laurie Abara
Richard Bhamra
Subject: urgent matter

Hi team, We need to discuss something. You know I'm at Sundance, but it potentially can't wait.


Sent from my iPhone



January 29, 2020 at 10:35 AM

Sorry I missed your call. Uhh, your mother wanted to go to one of those damn antique stores again. Picked out a curio cabinet the size of your brother's forehead I tell ya. I dunno where we're supposed to put the thing, and then it was a hundred dollars, hutch alone. Anyway, we're gonna be out all day, so if it's urgent, tell Marlon and he'll put a phone meeting in the calendar for us. Okay bud? Bye.
Call Back
Richard Bhamra
Do you NEED exec p?
They don't want me on it?
Nah you're good, they just don't see the need. Putting in bid for producer instead.
Yeah, whatever you need, that's fine.
Still working on this. We need to get you into a new project as soon as possible, preferably at the same time as the statement. How do you feel about Thomas Crown Affair??
Can I do anything other than a remake? There's no control there.
Yeah yeah you picky bastard. Let's get you on Citadel. Sending the script. You can ride the spy wave from Tenet. Might be nichey, but not a career killer.
I'll read it tonight.
Read it in the hour. AGBO offering less $$ but you'll make it up with returns on Cherry.
You know I don't care about the cash.
Maybe you don't but that's how I make a living. I'll have all offers confirmed today!
I know it was last minute and all, so thanks.
I gotchu
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