What did you do this year that would put you on the naughty list?
Holiday movie you absolutely hate?
Holiday snack you could do without?
Worst gift you've ever received?
Ever regifted something to someone?
Ever peeked at your gifts before time to open them?
Did you believe in Santa as a kid?
Are you an early or last-minute shopper?
Holiday song that you wish you could never hear again?
Ever lied about completing your New Year's resolution?
Least favorite part of the holidays?
Ever used something other than wrapping paper to wrap a gift?
What's the weirdest thing you've gifted someone?
When was the last time you partied too hard?
Most unforgettable or wild holiday memory?
Which holiday throughout the year is your least favorite?
Thanksgiving or Christmas?
Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? (No cheating!)
Weirdest or mildly inappropriate holiday decoration you own?
Do you buy gifts for yourself during the holidays?
Would you rather pre-pick your gift or receive the worst gift ever?
Are you good or bad at wrapping gifts?
Ever gotten in trouble during the holidays as a kid?
Ever tell another kid that Santa doesn't exist?
Ever had a holiday hookup?
When is too early to start decorating for the holidays?
What's something about the holidays other's love but you hate?
Did the Grinch kind of have a point?
Toughest person you have to shop for?
What do you wish were different about the holidays?
Was there a gift you really wanted as a kid but never got?
If you could only buy one person a gift, who would you choose?
Something that people don't do that you think would make the holidays better?
You can only pick one: Christmas or your birthday?
Ever told someone you loved a gift when you didn't?
Do you love or hate winter weather?